About Me...

My name is Erica Burrell. I am a junior at the University of South Alabama. I am majoring in Elementary Education. I plan to graduate in Fall 2011. I have wanted to be a teacher since second grade. My second grade teacher, Mrs. Powe, inspired me. She also made a difference in my life. Like her, I would love to make a difference my students' lives!

Google Docs

I will use Google Docs in my classroom. This will be a good way to make sure that all of my students have a word document program to use. This is good because not all students will be able to access the newest, updated version of Microsoft Word. With Google Docs, students can create documents, Power-Point presentations, spreadsheets, and more! Also, Google Docs is inexpensive. It is free and also students will not have to worry about saving their work to a flash drive or CD. I believe that Google Docs will be a very useful tool in my classroom.